Upcoming Drakensberg Events
Below you will find upcoming events in the Drakensberg area
Drakensberg Boys’ Choir School
Has a concert on Wednesday afternoons during term times www.webtickets.co.za or 0364681012 or 0785118680
Winterton parkrun
Takes place every Saturday morning from the Waffle Hut starting at 08.00 . Register on www.parkrun.co.za/winterton Cannibal Cave parkrun takes place in the Northern Drakensberg
Cathkin Park Walking Group
Takes place every Tuesday. 8.00 in Winter and 7.00 in Summer. Contact Nick 0794936424
Central Drakensberg Hiking Group
Saturdays and overnight hikes. Contact James Seymour for details. 0829255508
Cathkin Park Community Projects Run
Takes place on the last Friday of the month at 17.00 in Summer and 16.30 in Winter at The Nest.
Mountain Music Club
Takes place on the last Saturday of every month from 5pm usually at Mac’s Café , Cedarwood Shopping Centre. Dave: 0724839049
Upcoming Events
24th Jan: 125th Anniversary of the Battle of Spionkop. Lynette Heron 0825730224
2nd Feb: Wagondrift Challenge at Wagondrift Dam. Jordon 0729511979
19th Feb: First Drakensberg Boys’ Choir School Concert of 2025 www.webtickets.co.za
22nd Feb: Sterkfontein 1500 Swim Challenge. Also, a 3km and 500m Swim. Caroline 0828010817
1st March: Drakensberg Northern Trail Alpine Heath www.kzntrailrunning.co.za
25th – 28th April: Music in the Mountains. At the Drakensberg Boys’S Choir School. www.dbchoir.com
2nd -4th May: Yellow-billed Oxpecker www.oxpecker.co.za
3rd May: Mweni Mountain Marathon Mweni Cultural Centre www.kzntrailrunning.co.za
9th – 11th May: Red-billed Oxpecker www.oxpecker.co.za
16th- 18th May: African Oxpecker www.oxpecker.co.za
31st May- 1st June: Berg and Bush 2 day. Emseni Camp www.bergandbush.co.za
6th June- 8th June: Berg and Bush Descent www.bergandbush.co.za
28th June: Drakensberg Polar Bear Swim Challenge at Dragon Peaks, Belinda 0797377282
5th – 6th Sept: The Berg Show at VS Agri Grounds R74 Joanine 0828564368
4th Oct: Run the Berg All Out Adventures www.runtheberg.co.za
Do not forget the world’s most beautiful parkrun every Saturday morning at 08.00 starting
at the Waffle Hut on the R600. Walkers are more than welcome. Register on
www.parkrun.co.za. Enjoy a special parkrun BREAKFAST which includes coffee at the
Waffle Hut afterwards for ONLY R60.00. You may also order other items as well. Even if you
do not want to run or walk be a VOLUNTEER. Contact Ezmarie 082805491
TAKE NOTE: There will be a parkrun on Wednesday 1st January. The Waffle Hut will be CLOSED for Breakfast, but the TOILETS will be OPEN.
Delicious Harvest table to suit all tastes on Sundays. Pizzas especially on Fridays. Bookings
essential for Sundays and special functions. Order delicious snack Platters as well What’s App: Elsa 0783586896
SPORTS RESORT 15th December
There will be a service at 16.00. For more details contact Tony Moll 0827810158 or Mark
Stead 0714805996
- Cathkin Park Community Carol service 18/12/24 at 18.00 at the Drakensberg Boys’ Choir Auditorium. Bring non-perishable food to donate
- Sunday 22/12/24 at 4pm a Christmas Worship Service at El Mirador chapel CSR hosted by “ Champagne Valley Community Church “ all welcome.
- Wednesday 25/12/24 Christmas Day: * A Christmas Day service hosted by “Turning Point Church “ at 9 am at Choir school auditorium, all welcome
A Christmas Day service hosted by “ One Life Church “ at Champagne Sports resort main hall near reception at 10 am , all welcome, a Children’s service included.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Cathkin trails are partially open at Mountain Splendour to Champagne Sports, Gracelands, Valley Bakery. Sections at The Nest partially open.
Remember to pay your way to get your wristband. No Helmet, no ride! Remember to sign the indemnity. For more info, visit our Facebook page. Enjoy the trails.